Here are some types of traditional medicine that can be used to treat hemorrhoids. This traditional medicine could be an alternative treatment for those who are embarrassed to go to the doctor.
1. The duck bill
Duck bill is the first herbal ingredients that can be used to make traditional medicines are efficacious in treating hemorrhoid. Natural substances and efficacious in this duck bill can cope with hemorrhoid gradually, starting from reducing swelling of blood vessels around the anus to stop the bleeding that occurs.
As for the manufacturing process, providing the first fifty duck bill leaves that have been washed clean. Second, the duck bill leaves dried in the sun. Third, duck bill leaves that have been dried and then pounded until completely smooth. The process of making traditional medicines from the leaves of the duck bill has been completed. How to consume it is by taking one tablespoon of duck bill leaves that have been pounded. Then brewed with warm water. In order to taste more delicious could add a little honey. And drink while still warm. Consumption of traditional medicine three times a day for effective results.
2. Soursop Leaf
Soursop tree can be utilized not only part of his course, the soursop fruit. But other tree parts such as leaves can be used to make traditional medicines for treating various kinds of diseases, one of which is for treating hemorrhoid disease.
The process which starts from the selection of young soursop leaf and take as much as ten sheets. Then soursop leaves are boiled in three cups of boiled water. Wait until the water changes color and cooking water is reduced to one glass. After that, the water stayed soursop leaf decoction drunk alone. Consuming water on a regular basis soursop leaf decoction can accelerate the healing process of hemorrhoid disease.
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Obat Infeksi Gusi
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Very very nice share..
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